

What is a LifeGroup?


Grow in God together * Find strength and direction for your life * Encourage and be encouraged * Safe place to share * Applying this week’s sermon * Friends for life

LifeGroups are the small group ministry of Hope Chapel Huntington Beach. LifeGroups provide direct pastoral care, prayer , Bible teaching and Christian fellowship in a more personal way than is possible on Sundays.

LifeGroups are a small group of people who meet together in a home, coffee shop, conference room, or even at the beach, on a weekly basis for 3 separate 12 week sessions during the calendar year. Under the leadership of a LifeGroup leader who facilitates the meeting, people discuss what they gained from the weekend message presented by Pastor Paul Harmon. Friendships are made, encouragement is found, and growth in the Lord all happens in LifeGroups.

If the weekend services are considered the teaching time (classroom), then LifeGroups would be considered the lab (practical application); a place where you can come and discuss the Word. If you didn’t understand something, answers are sought. If you learned something new, you can share it. And the message from Sunday is applied to your everyday life.

What happens at a LifeGroup?

A LifeGroup meets for about an hour and a half. The meeting likely begins with refreshments, a time of singing together, then a discussion of that Sunday’s message. The meeting usually concludes with a time where you can pray for each other. Trained lay people called “Life Leaders” facilitate your time together.

Prayer is an important part of LifeGroups. The Word tells us that when two or more are gathered in His Name, He is there in their midst. When a LifeGroup comes together to pray, lives change as people are supported by others who care for them.

Friendships are built in LifeGroups. There is no such thing as a lone ranger Christian. We need each other – the Word tells us this over and over. Some of your closest and longest lasting friendships will be found in Life Groups.

How can I find a LifeGroup?

You can find more specific locations and times for all LifeGroups by contacting our church office at
(714) 536-1614. The same information is also located on the LifeGroup board in the foyer of Hope Chapel. Every LifeGroup has its own personality, so we encourage you to attend different LifeGroups until you find the right one for you. Complimentary childcare is provided for some LifeGroups.


A LifeGroup meets on Sunday's and Thursday's.

Contact the Church Office for more information at




Hope Chapel Huntington Beach
715 Lake St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-1614
