Global & Local Missions

Missions at Home and Abroad

Led by: Shawn Knight, Missions Director

Hope Chapel Huntington Beach has a strong commitment to missions, and to that end, we support and partner with many who reflect Jesus’ heart throughout the world.

Our foundation is built upon Jesus’ command in Matthew 28 to “Go into the world and make disciples of all nations”, by teaching biblical truth, relying on the Holy Spirit’s conviction and guidance, and by serving in a variety of roles appropriate to that culture. We believe in developing in-country leaders into effective and healthy ministers of the Good News of Jesus and His saving work.

We want first and foremost to be a blessing - to those we serve, the team itself, and the Church. We strive to give others an opportunity to see and experience God’s love in very tangible ways through real people, so we both send and support full-time missionaries, as well as short-term teams to expose others to Christ’s heart for the world, that all may know Him.

Contact Hope Chapel (714) 536-1614 or see below to learn more about our local outreaches, our teams and the missionaries we support.

“The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity!”

Local Outreaches:


Horizon Pregnancy Clinic

Trained staff and volunteers will educate and share with you all the options available regarding your pregnancy.  They will walk you through step by step and answer all of your questions. Before making a pregnancy decision it is important to confirm your pregnancy. At Horizon they provide free pregnancy testing. One of their medical professionals will read the results and answer any questions you might have. If you are pregnant you might be eligible for a free ultrasound.

Brown Bags of Hope

Brown Bags Outreach supplies a complete meal with nonperishable food items to homeless individuals in need. It is a wonderful blessing to give and minister to others in this way. Food donations are collected each month and Brown Bags are assembled at the beginning of the month ready for participators to gather a few Brown Bags of Hope for distribution to the homeless.


Serve City

The purpose of Serve City is to facilitate the efforts of local Christians working together to respond to the city of Huntington Beach’s greatest needs in order to make Jesus known among our neighbors. Toward that end, Serve City seeks to encourage and multiply the efforts of the Christians in our city by helping to coordinate and organize the work they do together for the sake of Jesus. By connecting with city officials and building working and effective partnerships with local organizations, Serve City will enable Christians in Huntington Beach to target areas of greatest need and address them with lasting and sustainable impact. The result will be a growing reputation among all the residents of Huntington Beach concerning the God we serve—he will be known as the good, gracious and loving God we Christians know and proclaim him to be.


Foursquare Disaster Relief

When crisis or disasters hit, our hearts ache and we desire to do whatever we can to comfort with the love of Jesus. Often all we can do is pray that the Lord will send someone to help who is trained and understands how to help victims start to pick up the pieces.

Disaster Relief Training teaches the basics of compassionate presence in times of chaos. You can be listed among those who are being deployed into the disaster field with Foursquare Disaster Relief. Upon completion of this course you will be certified through Foursquare Disaster Relief as an official Responder. FDR training is accepted by FEMA.

Our Missions Teams:


Each summer, we are blessed to be able to pass on some of the gifts we’ve received as a church, by adopting a missions outreach project either in our area or internationally. The following nations have received Hope Chapel team support: Mexico, El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Uganda, Great Britain. These trips are an incredible way to serve together for the benefit of others. These trips build us into a close community, too – whole families remain close through the training process and long afterward.

Our Missionaries:



Foursquare has landed in nearly 140 countries. We have some really amazing people stationed around the world with one goal—telling others about the love of Jesus! In obedience to the mandate of Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations, FMI is committed to evangelizing; establishing churches worldwide that are healthy and reproducing; discipling and training healthy reproducing leaders; and facilitating holistic and creative ministry that demonstrates both passion and compassion (serving, healing, teaching and building). Visit their website: Foursquare Missions International.


For more information, contact our Global & Local Missions Director, Shawn Knight.

Missions Prayer List:

Click here to get this month’s FMI Prayer Guide.

Download the monthly prayer guide to get equipped with how to pray for a missionary or country each and every day. The guides are released monthly, and are ideal for church information tables and church bulletins.

Also, stay up to date on prayer requests by liking FMI on Facebook and following FMI on Twitter.



Hope Chapel Huntington Beach
715 Lake St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-1614
