Sermon Series: Bible Never Said

God Will Prevent Bad Things from Happening to Good People - Bible Never Said, Part 6, Sunday, October 24, 2021

Pastor Paul Harmon
All people on planet earth ask a universal question of God. WHY? We’ve all asked God the WHY questions. God, why all the pain...why all the suffering...why is my life so hard...why did this happen...why did you allow this evil...why do I have to endure so much hardship and pain? God WHY? Why didn’t you heal my marriage...why didn’t you heal me or my loved one...Why do you allow evil people so much influence? These questions become even more difficult if we have a wrong expectation about God.
Sunday, October 24, 2021


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Sermon Series: Bible Never Said

Have you ever had one of your kids, or a co-worker or possibly a friend quote something you said? After listening in utter shock, you respond with; “I never said that!” It’s never fun being misrepresented. I wonder if this is how God feels. WHY? Because over the years I have heard so many people say things about God or what the Bible says that are simply not true. They quote statements and phrases like it’s in the Bible. I wonder if God often says, “I never said that!” In this series about the things the Bible Never Said, we’re going to try to clear up some of the common misconceptions about God’s Word so we can follow Jesus better. These misunderstanding can be a major hindrance in following Jesus.

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Hope Chapel Huntington Beach
715 Lake St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-1614
