Sermon Series: A Grateful Hot Spot in My Heart

Resisting an Ocean of Negativity - Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pastor Paul Harmon
Resisting negativity will never be an easy thing. Everyone seems to be complaining about something. The news is primarily negative. Because we are surrounded by so much of it, we must be intentional not allowing the negativity to define us. This is easier said than done. How is Jesus asking you to grow a grateful “Hot Spot” in your heart? Today we are going to answer this question as we continue a church wide 21-day challenge to grow in gratitude.
Sunday, November 12, 2023


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Sermon Series: A Grateful Hot Spot in My Heart

This being November and Thanksgiving, it’s an appropriate time to grow our own grateful hearts and develop a “hot spot” of gratitude. On Sunday we begin to lay a foundation for the next 4 weeks. Even in light of so much discouraging news surrounding us, we can still be thankful people. We can all grow in this area of our lives and embrace a church wide 21-day challenge to grow in gratitude.

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Hope Chapel Huntington Beach
715 Lake St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-1614
